School Safety and Security Summit - Nigeria

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I am so honored to be part of this upcoming and amazing school safety and security summit. On June 4th the, IA foundation and the Halogen Group along with several members of the Nigerian Government, will be conducting a summit to address the ongoing challenges of terrorism, kidnappings and violence in the Nigerian schools. If you do not follow this topic, the schools in Nigeria are under constant threat from criminal gangs and terrorist groups like Boko Haram. With the intent to exploit children or leverage them for the release of captured terrorists from jail or to gain ransom payments, these attacks are horrific and carry long lasting negative impacts of families and communities.

It is exciting to be part of this special event and I look forward to sharing my thoughts on prevention of terrorism and targeted violence and how a prevention framework can enhance the overall safety and security of the schools.

Every country has challenges with school safety and security and those challenges are not easy to overcome. We have to start embracing a prevention framework that is supported by deterrence efforts. Until we do that, we will have no choice but to respond to attacks or hope to get lucky and with a last minute effort to avert an attack.

My deepest thanks to the IA Foundation and the Halogen Group for organizing this summit and for your efforts to keep children safe while they learn and grow!

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Another Great Event!


Time and Distance