The Relaunch!

We are so happy to finally relaunch our Securable Alternatives website! With a complete makeover and refresh we feel like we have an easy to navigate and visually pleasing site for clients and others to use and learn from. We certainly hope you will find our focused, yet wide range of services of value to your organization. We do specialize in Schools, Houses of Worship, Small / Medium and Large Businesses, Government and Community safety.

Given the recent upward trends in acts of Targeted Violence across the country, Securable Alternatives stands ready to be your trusted partner in preventing these acts. With over 25 years of experience in Public and Private Safety / Security, we are fully qualified to meet and exceed your needs!

Feel free to explore the site and the services we provide, if you have any questions or needs, we are here to share how we can help!

Stay safe and always be aware!


The coming convergence of deterrence and prevention


Connecting the dots!